EOIs Invited for Funding of Allergy Education and Training
ASCIA is facilitating education and training initiatives to upskill health professionals, as part of the National Allergy Council Shared Care for Allergy project.
ASCIA is now inviting Expressions of Interests (EOI) from ASCIA members for funding of initiatives that provide standardised, evidence-based and best practice postgraduate allergy education and training for health professionals, including those in regional, rural and remote areas.
EOIs are due by 24 April 2024 and the form is on the ASCIA website
EOIs Invited for AIFA Research Grants 2024
ASCIA members, including early career and new researchers, are invited to submit expressions of interest (EOI) for Allergy and Immunology Foundation of Australasia (AIFA) research grants.
Thank you to supporters of AIFA research grants, who have enabled a total of $110,000 to be awarded in 2024, comprised of 8 grants:
- $40,000 AIFA Early Career and New Researcher Grants (4 x $10,000)
- $20,000 AIFA Prof Ann Kupa Food Allergy Grant
- $15,000 AIFA DBV Technologies Food Allergy Grant
- $20,000 AIFA Viatris Nurse Researcher of the Year
- $15,000 AIFA CSL Behring HAE Clinical Research Grant
EOIs are due by 14 May 2024 and the form is on the AIFA website
Donate here to support AIFA’s 2025 research grants.
Updated ASCIA Information for Patients and Carers
The ASCIA team is in the process of updating all ASCIA website Information for patients and carers as part of the National Allergy Council Shared Care for Allergy project.
The first topic areas completed are:
The updates should make it easier to:
- Read and understand ASCIA information for patients and carers, by simplifying language and improving the format, without changing the clinical content.
- Contact relevant support organisations by including links to their websites at the start of all ASCIA website information for patients and carers.
QR codes on ASCIA patient/carer information webpages
In response to requests from ASCIA members, QR codes have been added to 15 landing pages on the ASCIA website, to improve access and reduce the need for printing of ASCIA Information for patients and carers.
This work has been completed as part of the National Allergy Council Shared Care for Allergy project.
A new ASCIA Quicklinks A4 document includes all the QR codes and is available here
Meetings 2024
Registration is now open for the following meetings:
Registration will open in May for the:
ASCIA 2024 Conference 3-6 September
Save the date for the:
ANZAAG (Australian and New Zealand Anaesthetic Allergy Group) and ISPAR (International Suspected Perioperative Allergic Reaction Group) Symposium 15-17 November, Melbourne
Other meetings are listed in the ASCIA website conference calendar
ASCIA Member Awards and Grants
Congratulations to Prof Dominic Mallon (past ASCIA President), who has received the 2023 AMA Excellence in Health Care Award. Read more here
Congratulations also to the following ASCIA members and their teams on their successful applications to the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) grant opportunities:
- Prof Stuart Tangye - Accelerating diagnosis of inborn errors of immunity (IEI) using a comprehensive 'multi-omics' approach, merging data on genes, gene expression and activity, protein and immune cell function, and blood biomarkers. Read more here
- Prof Jo Douglass (past ASCIA President) - Creating a risk assessment biomarker tool to prevent seasonal allergic and thunderstorm asthma (CARISTA). Read more here
ASCIA is proud to have provided letters of support for both MRFF applications and we look forward to working with these teams to promote their important projects.
New ASCIA Adult Practice Committee
The ASCIA Education committee will be transformed to become the new ASCIA Adult Practice committee. This change has been made for the following reasons:
- There is an overlap of “education” between many ASCIA committees,
- The change better reflects ASCIA member priorities. Responses from some ASCIA members to the ASCIA priorities survey conducted last year requested an increased focus on adult practice in allergy, immunology and autoimmunity.
For consistency “Practice” will also be added to the ASCIA Paediatric committee name, to become the ASCIA Paediatric Practice committee.
Dr Joseph De Luca will transfer from Chair of the ASCIA Education committee to Chair of the new ASCIA Adult Practice committee.
Regularly Updated ASCIA Webpages
The following ASCIA webpages are regularly updated:
ASCIA Reports
Locate a Specialist
ASCIA Submissions
Allergy/Immunology Positions
Medical Product Supply Updates
Allergy and Immunology Research
Conference, Meetings and Events Calendar
ASCIA gratefully acknowledges the generous support of all sponsors listed on the ASCIA website www.allergy.org.au/about-ascia/sponsors