Drug (Medication) Allergy

Health Professional Information

Action Plan and Record for Drug Allergy

ASCIA Action Plan for Drug (Medication) Allergy 

ASCIA Record for Drug (Medication) Allergy 

Penicillin Allergy Resources

ASCIA Consensus Statement - Penicillin Allergy 

ASCIA Penicillin Allergy e-training for health professionals 

ASCIA Penicillin Allergy Guide for health professionals

References - Penicillin Allergy

Cephalasoprin Allergy Resources

ASCIA Consensus Statement - Cephalosporin Allergy (available to Members only) 

References - Cephalosporin Allergy

Drug Allergy Resources

ASCIA Drug (Medication) Allergy Terms 

ASCIA Drug allergy pre-clinic information template (available to Members only) 

ASCIA Clinical Update - Antibiotic Allergy

ASCIA Consent Form - Antibiotic Allergy Challenges 

ASCIA Position Paper - Drug Allergy Challenges - in development

ASCIA Position Statement - Radiocontrast Media Hypersensitivity (RCM) 


Podcast - Antibiotics and Allergy

Further Information
Patient and carer support organisations 
ASCIA information for patients and carers

ASCIA information for health professionals 

Information for health professionals about My Health Record

Content updated June 2024